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Mothers Union

Mother’s Union - Westerfield Tuddenham & Witnesham Branch

Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month in Westerfield Church Room, starting at 2pm. Current membership is approx 20. The requirement for membership is baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity. The group is very active and covers areas from support for parenting groups, help and advice on family matters, domestic violence, work in prisons and holidays for less fortunate families to representation at the United Nations on HIV and overseas relief.


The Mothers Union is a Christian organisation, which promotes the well-being of families worldwide.

They achieve this by.....

  • Developing prayer and spiritual growth in families.
  • Studying and reflecting on family life and marriage and its place in society.
  • Resourcing members for practical action to improve conditions for families, nationally and in the communities in which they live.
2020 Programme
Jan- No Meeting
04th Feb - Rev Jutta Brueck. 'My Visit to Kagera'
05th Mar - Lent Holy Communion
11th Mar - Annual General Meeting, Stowmarket at 9.30am
25th Mar - Lady Day Service Rushmere St Andrew at 11.00am
02nd Apr - Branch Lunch at 'Hill House' 12.30 for 1.00pm (Incl Bring & Buy)
07th May - Music Quiz
04th Jun - Branch Meeting: 'South Africa'
06th Jun - Ipswich Deanery Coffee Morning- Church of the Ascension at 10.00am
Jul - Branch Outing
23rd July -'Wave of Prayer' Service.
Aug No Meeting.
03rd Sep Holy Communion Service followed by tea and a bring and buy.
01st Oct - 'Home Fire Safety'
06th Oct - Healing & Wholeness Service, Kirton Church at 11.00am
05th Nov- 'The Gideons'
18th Nov - Council Meeting at Fressingfield 9.30am
03rd Dec- Carols and Christmas Readings. (Followed by Christmas Tea)


All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee; and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit , quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live. Amen


Loving Lord
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union
as we seek to share your love. through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service
Reach out as your hands across the world.
In Jesus’ name. Amen

New members are always welcome.
Branch Leader: Rev'd Catherine Forsdike Tel: 01473-252904
Subscriptions for the coming year will be £13.50 to be paid by October meeting.
"Home & Family Magazine-£6.00 for 4 copies per year.