During the course of the year the Parish Council produce and distribute to every household newsletters. Below you will find the most recently produced newsletter that was distributed in December 2020.
From the Parish Council Chairman
The December newsletter normally gives details of the Scouts Christmas Post and details of special Christmas events that are expected in the village. We also usually report on happy summer events but in 2020 we as a community have had this experience and although the weather has been lovely we have mostly had to enjoy it in very small groups. Let’s look forward to 2021 and being able to meet together more often.
Westerfield St Mary Magdalene Church
Revd Charlotte Cook has been priest-in-charge since September and she has written the following:-
“Thank you all for such a warm welcome to the village. It is my pleasure to be working with you all. The church is here for everyone in the community and we look forward to welcoming you to any of our events over Christmas and in the coming year.”
5th December 4.00pm -Drive in Carol Service at the Westerfield Swan.
Then at Westerfield Church
20th December 3.00pm Carol
24th December 11.30pm Midnight Mass
25th December 11.00am Christmas Day service
Please do invite others. Appropriate social distancing will be in place, and please bring your face masks.
Lots of us are putting a Christmas wreath on our door– why not spread a some happiness by joining in.
If there is anything we can do for you please get in touch. My email is: vicar@wtandw.org.uk
East Suffolk District Council Local Plan
After three years of consultations and discussions this Local Plan has now been adopted for the period up to 2036. This forms the guidance for decisions to be made by our District Council in the immediate future. East Suffolk have also published several draft documents for consultation that will be used in conjunction with the Local Plan and the Parish Council have responded accordingly. One consultation relates to a Cycling and Walking Strategy seeking to identify cycling and walking infrastructure matters which you think could be improved or addressed. The Parish response included many locations in the village where more cycling and walking would be achieved if measures were taken for safety of such users.
Progress of Planning Applications in the village is monitored by the Parish Council. A recent decision is that after appeal to the planning Inspectorate against refusal “Two dwellings adjacent to 5 St Mary’s Way” has now been approved while similar appeal for “Eight dwellings on land south of Old Glebe House” has not yet been decided.
An outline planning application for “Land at Old Station Works” has been approved and detail applications for parts of the site will now be submitted. The first of these for part of the Business Centre has already been published.
Many have asked what was occurring on the site allocated for development South of Lower Road. The developer has had pre-application meetings with East Suffolk DC and the soil and drainage investigations were required before further progress could be made.
“Planning for the Future” White Paper
Recent changes in planning policy have increased the amount of housing development that can automatically be classed as permitted development. Some claim this will avoid unnecessary “red tape” but others see these as failing to protect other peoples' rights.
The White Paper “Planning for the Future” is claimed to provide a better planning system that will speed up the delivery of housing but with the amount of housing to be decided by Government rather than at a local level.
The implications of the new system are that East Suffolk would be required to provide over 3000 more homes by 2036 compared to those currently planned.
While considering this increase in housing we are surely aware that current developments proposed are being approved without appropriate infrastructure improvements provided for the increased population and traffic. The situation that
Westerfield finds itself in is that even more housing is likely to be demanded by government for North East Ipswich!
Westerfield Parish Council Open Meeting
with our Member of Parliament Dr Dan Poulter
Thursday December 10th at 7.00pm (An on-line virtual meeting using Zoom)
(Also to be attended by members of Bredfield Paish Council and residents
Both Councils have expressed concerns over the following recent issues:-
Changes to National Planning Policies
Sizewell C Planning Application
Traffic and Road Safety in Rural Villages
The meeting is open to the public and can be accessed on-line by using Zoom Meeting ID87177124841 and Passcode 930480
If no internet connection is available access is possible by phone 0203 901 7895 and using the same ID and Passcode.
Joining instructions can also bse obtained by emailing the Clerk on westerfieldpc@gmail.com or phoning 07785 331217
Sizewell C and other energy substations
The Planning application for Sizewell C has been well publicised but the effect on villages is far reaching and we support other villages in seeking to limit the effect on loss of open countryside and the extra traffic generated. A few extra trains through Westerfield is a small price to pay for reducing road haulage.
Road Traffic and Safety. Walking and Cycling in the village was a pleasure during early lockdown days but recent experiences have brought renewed calls for improvement. The Parish Council have been told by Suffolk County that money has been allocated to investigate options at the Cross Roads which is welcomed but what is really needed is money being spent on the ground not only at the Cross Roads but also to protect pedestrians and cyclists from the amount of traffic that passes through our village.
Greater Anglia Station Adopter Awards. The award for "Best Personal Contribution” has been given to
Sandy Burn for her work in Transforming Westerfield Station into a haven for bees and butterflies turning nettles and brambles into a canopy of colour with over 200 plants and flowers by the Spring
Thanks for your hard work Sandy!
Dogs Fouling pavements and footpaths
Most dog owners are responsible in this respect but there have been a number of complaints and requests for this matter to be raised in this newsletter
Westerfied Village Hall is not available for use due to Covid19 restrictions. This is kept under review but no activities are taking place. Protection measures are in place once restrictions are eased. Regular users will be notified once use is possible. Yvonne Maynard 01473 226709 email|:yvonne.maynard@btinternet.com
Parish Neighbourhood Plan
With continuing COVID restrictions it is not yet possible to commence this process but once suitable gatherings are allowed safely the Parish Council will seek to get moving on this task to establish a plan that can be adopted and used by the District Council
Ipswich Garden Suburb Country Park
Many in the village will have received a planning notice of an amendment to the plans for part 1 of the Country Park. Please be reassured that these changes are to accommodate a request from the Parish Council to improve accessabilty for Westerfield residents
1st Westerfield Scouts
Due to COVID19 all scouting activity has been put on hold since the first lockdown, but leaders are looking at how it may be possible to recommence in the new year. The Scouts Association have a rigorous risk assessment process that needs passing to ensure our Cubs, Scouts and Leaders are safe. Unfortunately, for the same reasons, there will be no Scout Christmas post this year, but it will be back next year and leaders thank all who have supported this in the past.
The search for a new Beaver leader (for children aged 6 to 8) continues. Ideally this would be for two or more people to share the role so if anyone who would love a new and rewarding challenge, please contact Joan (our Cub leader) on gibsonjoan785@gmail.com. or call 01473 785510.Training is available.
Westerfield Womens Institute offered to plant a tree in the village and a site has been agreed in the paddock for planting on December 12th. The WI are still not able to meet but wait for what the future holds.
In our April Newsletter I appealed for “Local Good Neighbour”volunteers and these have been listed on the Westerfield-village website Thanks to all who volunteered in this way. I have no idea how many calls you may have received but even the fact that someone nearby is contactable is a sense of comfort for anyone who is worrying about what will happen.
It has also enabled me to maintain regular links with East Suffolk Community Support, “Home but not Alone” and, until they ceased to operate, Age UK Suffolk. This liaison has enabled problems to be dealt with by the various agencies set up to provide help.
We thank Val Byrne keeping the Notice Board on the Westerfield-village website up to date and she can be contacted on 01473 251624 or by using “contact us” on the website.
Westerfield Local Good Neighbour Volunteers
For help with getting prescriptions or essential shopping
Please phone to make contact and, to maintain social distancing agree a place for these to be delivered, also agree how to pay for goods to avoid handling cash by personal contact.
Village Sector – Main Road North of Crossroads
Claire Thornloe 07544 573549 Shopping for essentials or prescriptions
Village Sector - Main Road South of Crossroads
Leo Borwick 01473 211438 Shopping for essentials or prescriptions.BR>
Village Sector – Church Lane and roads East of Crossroads
Tim Kent 07743 457251 or 01473 218501 Shopping for essentials or prescriptions
Liz Hallworth 07808 547605 Shopping for essentials or prescriptions.
Village Sector - Lower Road
Yvonne Maynard 01473 226709 Shopping for essentials or prescriptions
Village Sector - Swan Lane and Fullers Field
Caryl Hudson 07702 813400 Shopping for essentials or prescriptions.
Or what about a friendly chat? These residents are available to help you to break up the day by having a general chat about anything you like!
Liz Cade 01473 280562 Heather Noble 01473 218358 Cynthia Reeve 01473 251843
Any problems with finding a contact? Call Peter Miller on 01473 212316 or 07860 716951
Foulgers Dairy 01473-784999 www.foulgersdairy.co.uk already deliver to the village on Tuedays,Thursdays and Saturdays (Milk and other grocery products). Accounts paid by card
Lloyds Pharmacy has a service that delivers prescriptions:- www.echo.co.uk
Suffolk News Delivery. 01473-396328 suffolknewsdelivery.co.uk already delivers newspapers every day in the village. Set up an account and pay on line or by card.
The Parish Council urges everyone to comply with the restrictions that we have and hope that once the crisis is past we can look forward to resuming village activities and enjoying village life.
Finally, the Parish Council wish you a very Happy Christmas and if there is a very cold spell and you, or a neighbour, needs help please let someone know. Help is available. We look forward to 2021 in hope of a return to normal village
Peter Miller, Chairman,
Email PMiller357@aol.com